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San Antonio Car Accident Lawyer

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Experienced San Antonio Car Accident Lawyer

Serving San Antonio, El Paso, Midland, Odessa, and Laredo, Texas as well as Carlsbad & Hobbs, New Mexico.

Everyone needs someone to count on during difficult times. If you have been injured or need legal representation, we want you to know that we are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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San Antonio Car Accidents

Why Do You Need an Auto Accident Lawyer in San Antonio?

On average, auto accidents claim the lives of around 32,000 people a year in the United States. Furthermore, two million people suffer injuries in automotive accidents. Anyone involved in an accident should seek a San Antonio car accident lawyer – even if they’re not planning on suing somebody and only need help to make a claim from their insurance company.

When to Get an Attorney for a Vehicle Accident

red car in a rush, top rated car acident lawyer at cesar ornelas injury law help you. We have 24/7 free consultationsThe best time to get an attorney is immediately. Once you seek medical attention for your injuries, you should be on the phone. There are many occasions where it’s important to get an auto accident lawyer in order to get the appropriate help. Filing a claim without a San Antonio car accident lawyer means you could be missing out on the full amount of compensation you’re entitled to.

  • Serious Injuries: If you’re in a crash where a person involved has been seriously injured, you’ll need the services of a car accident lawyer. Examples of serious injuries include broken bones and anything that’s likely to be permanent in nature.
  • Death: Accidents that result in death, whether someone was in a vehicle or a pedestrian, should be dealt with by an attorney.
  • Fault: If you’re struggling to determine who is at fault, you could benefit from legal guidance.
  • Accidents in a Construction Zone: Accidents that happen in a construction zone can often be fatal. If a worker is hit by a truck or other large vehicle, heavy fines and penalties can be issued. An auto accident lawyer can help you resolve this.
  • Inaccurate Police Reports: Police reports are important pieces of evidence in the compensation claim process. Having a police report filed that you think isn’t entirely accurate can really hinder things for you and prevent you from getting the result you deserve. Reports help to find the other party’s negligence.
  • Issues with Insurance: If any of the drivers who are involved in an accident don’t have sufficient insurance, or your insurer suggests your car insurance limits are too low, a San Antonio car crash lawyer can help you resolve this.

How An Attorney Can Help

a young man in suit in his office showing an insurance policy and pointing with a pen where the policyholder must to signA professional San Antonio, TX Auto Accident Lawyer can ensure that you get the most from your vehicle insurance. Things can be a little dramatic after a car, truck, motorcycle or commercial vehicle accident and people often make rash decisions. After being involved in an accident you should consider speaking to a legal professional as soon as possible; even before you contact your insurance provider.

This can help you to avoid making any mistakes that turn out to be costly. Getting an attorney can lead to you receiving a substantially larger settlement than going it alone. Insurance providers know that they’re likely to face much higher charges when there are lawyers involved.

If you’re hurt in an accident, you’re entitled to compensation. In Texas, there is no limit on what you are able to claim in regards to your pain & suffering, so get legal assistance and get the most from your claim.

Making a Claim on Your Insurance

A professional car accident lawyer can ensure that you get the most from the insurance company. Things can be a little dramatic after a car accident and people often make rash decisions. After being involved in an accident you should consider speaking to a legal professional as soon as possible; even before you contact your insurance provider.

This can help you to avoid making any mistakes that turn out to be costly. Getting an attorney can lead to you receiving a substantially larger settlement than going at it alone. Insurance providers know that they’re likely to face much higher charges when there are lawyers involved.

If you’re hurt in a car accident, you’re entitled to compensation. In Texas, there is no limit on what you are able to claim in regard to your pain & suffering, so get legal assistance and get the most from your claim.

Do I Have A Case?

You should know that most car accident cases will result in settlements because insurance companies do not want cases to go to trial, which can not only be extremely expensive to defend but also run the risk of damages being awarded that can dramatically exceed the proposed settlement amounts. Arriving at an appropriate settlement can take some time because most insurance companies begin with lowball offers and it takes time for an attorney to be able to work the insurers up to a more suitable level of compensation.

It should be underscored here that car accident victims are not always other drivers, as many passengers in other vehicles have injury claims and other victims in these cases can include bicyclists, pedestrians, and other people who simply happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Cesar Ornelas Law represents all types of car accident victims and fights to make sure that every one of them is able to recover every last dollar of compensation that is available to them.

What To Do After A Car Accident?

The most important thing you can do for yourself after any auto accident is to get medical attention, even when you do not think that you were hurt. Remember that many injuries involve delayed symptoms, so you might not immediately feel pain but could suddenly be dealing with major injuries in the days or weeks that follow.

Getting medical treatment will be very important because most insurance companies will not pay anything without some evidence of medical care, so seeing a doctor will be incredibly beneficial because you create a medical record that you will be able to rely on moving forward. Furthermore, if your injuries do end up being severe, you will be able to get the necessary medical attention that leads to your injuries being properly diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, which can lessen your pain and suffering moving forward.

Have you been involved in a car accident? If so, contact the highly experienced car accident lawyers and the team at Cesar Ornelas Law. We are able to help you get the justice you deserve.

In my family, I had a relative that didn’t have someone to call when tragedy struck. This experience drove me throughout my career to considerable victories for my clients. I take representation personally and I want you to know that “You’re Never Alone”. My firm is available to you. and your family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Cesar Ornelas Principal

A Car Accident Lawyer Near You

Local attorneys near your location are the best option. If you are in San Antonio and looking for a local Car Accident Attorney close to you that you can trust, look no further than our team at Cesar Ornelas Law. We have an office conveniently located at 11459 Huebner Rd, San Antonio, TX.

Our firm handles these cases on a contingency fee basis, so you do not pay anything upfront and instead agree to pay a prearranged percentage of your award when one is recovered. Call us at (210) 957-2103 or email us at, or contact us online to schedule a free, no-risk consultation.

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6 Reasons To Choose Us

Transparency is a core value for our firm. You will never be left in the dark wondering what we’re doing for you. Want to know what is happening with your case? Log in and see updates at your convenience.

  • We Get Results

    We have helped thousands of people get the compensation they deserve. Let us help you and your loved ones. Schedule a free consultation today!

  • Stronger Together

    We have strength in numbers and in talent. Our firm employs a team across cities in Texas and New Mexico. We have some of the best trial lawyers in their respective areas of practice.

  • Focus

    Our motto is ‘every client, every day.’ We are laser-focused on getting you the best settlement possible while bringing justice home to you or your loved ones.

  • Personal Attention

    Our staff is responsible for making your doctor’s appointments and sorting out insurance claims. The last thing you need to worry about is the details. We’ve got that part covered.

  • Transparency

    Our attorneys are here to help you. We will investigate your injury and advise you about your rights to recover an injury-related settlement after an accident.

  • Communication

    Our attorneys will communicate with you clearly and often. We are proactive about keeping you informed of your rights and responsibilities and are available 24/7 to take your call.

Our Attorneys Are a Truly Exceptional Group of Lawyers.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Commonly Asked Questions

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If you were not involved in one of the thousands of car accidents last year, count yourself lucky. Interstate intersections are considered some of the most dangerous intersections. Serious car accidents involving multiple cars occur frequently at these intersections, causing severe injuries. These injuries require emergency medical treatment and lengthy hospital stays.

When a car accident devastates your life or the life of a loved one, you need Cesar Ornelas Law on your side, fighting for your rights as the victim of another driver’s negligence. Compensation for your medical bills may be available to you. With an experienced car accident lawyer like Cesar Ornelas representing you in court, rest assured that your and your family’s best interests remain the top priority throughout the litigation process.

You may be contacted by an insurance company for the negligent driver, who tells you that you will not need an attorney because they intend to take care of you, but you need to know that this is often an empty promise. The insurer simply wants to settle your case for as little as possible, and they know that is a more likely outcome when a person does not have legal representation.

When you hire a lawyer, you are going to have somebody handling your case who will be able to conduct their own independent investigation into the cause of your crash and then work to figure out all of the damages you should be compensated for. An attorney will know how to fight for you to recover maximum damages in your case.

Victims of car accidents may receive compensation ranging from several hundred to several thousand or more dollars to help pay for current medical bills and medical treatment that may be necessary for the future. Pain and suffering, loss of wages, and, in some cases, mental anguish, are considered compensatory damages. In addition, car accident victims may be awarded exemplary or punitive damages if the court finds the defendant was exercising actions that exceeded basic negligence.

Your car accident attorney Cesar Ornelas has the burden of proof when proving negligence on the part of the other driver. Personal injury attorneys must further prove injuries are real and have been clinically diagnosed by a licensed medical professional so that clients receive the compensation they deserve.

Cesar Ornelas Law offers extensive experience litigating on behalf of car accident victims. If you or a loved one have suffered serious injuries, call now. You can expect aggressive, professional representation when you choose to work with car accident attorney Cesar Ornelas to settle your car accident claim.

Anyone who suffers physical injuries due to a car accident should hire a personal injury attorney who can file applicable claims against negligent drivers. When compensation is awarded, the amount of the compensation given to car accident victims will depend on the severity of physical and/or emotional injuries. Many car accident claims begin with the discovery phase involving the plaintiff’s attorney and the defendant’s attorney exchanging case information. After discovery, a trial may occur if there is no agreement between the parties. You also need to keep in mind everything a lawyer will be able to do to help you with your case. For example, an attorney can often do all of the following:

  • Conduct a thorough independent investigation into your accident.
  • Consult with experts from multiple fields, including accident reconstruction, medical care, mechanical engineering, and life-care planning experts, to get an accurate understanding of the cause of your accident and the full lifetime costs involved in caring for your injuries.
  • Examine all insurance policies that are involved in your case.
  • Ensure that all legal documents in your case will be filed in a timely manner.
  • Negotiate a settlement with the other party’s auto insurance company or possibly your own insurer.
  • Present the most persuasive case for damages in court.
  • Resolve any health care or other liens that are attached to your recovery so you can receive the amount you need to pay for all of your medical bills.

The best time to get an attorney is immediate. Once you seek medical attention for your injuries, you should be on the phone. There are many occasions where it’s important to get a car accident lawyer in order to get the appropriate help. Filing a claim without a lawyer means you could be missing out on the full amount of compensation you’re entitled to.

  • Serious Injuries: If you’re in a crash where a person involved has been seriously injured, you’ll need the services of a car accident lawyer. Examples of serious injuries include broken bones and anything that’s likely to be permanent in nature.
  • Death: Accidents that result in death, whether someone was in a vehicle or a pedestrian, should be dealt with by an attorney.
  • Fault: If you’re struggling to determine who is at fault, you could benefit from legal guidance.
  • Accidents in a Construction Zone: Accidents that happen in a construction zone can often be fatal. If a worker is hit by a truck or other large vehicle, heavy fines and penalties can be issued. An auto accident lawyer can help you resolve this.
  • Inaccurate Police Reports: Police reports are important pieces of evidence in the compensation claim process.
  • Having a police report filed that you think isn’t entirely accurate can really hinder things for you and prevent you from getting the result you deserve.
  • Issues with Insurance: If any of the drivers who are involved in an accident don’t have sufficient insurance, or your insurer suggests your car insurance limits are too low, a legal expert can help you resolve this.

Auto accidents stem from a wide variety of possible causes, and you may need assistance proving what exactly led to your crash. Some of the most common kinds of causes of car accidents include, but are not limited to:

  • Distracted Driving — Many drivers can be distracted by a number of things while behind the wheel, but cellphones are certainly among the most common kinds of distractions. A motorist who was talking, texting, or otherwise using a cellphone while driving could be found liable for damages arising from an accident they cause.
  • Speeding — Any driver who is operating in excess of posted speed limits will be at significant risk of causing a crash because they will not have enough time to come to a complete stop when necessary.
  • Drunk or Drugged Driving — The offense known as driving while intoxicated (DWI) under Texas Penal Code § 49.04 and driving under the influence (DUI) of intoxicating liquor or drugs under New Mexico Statute § 66-8-102 involves a driver clearly placing other people in harm’s way.
  • Reckless Driving — Some motorists operate without regard to how their driving endangers others, and police officers who ticker such drivers for reckless driving can be used as evidence of fault in many auto accident cases.
  • Inclement Weather — While pouring rain or accumulated snow or other forms of bad weather indeed affect all drivers, some motorists may operate without regard to how unsafe driving in such circumstances endangers others.
  • Failure to Stop for Traffic Signals or Signs — Some drivers either ignore or disregard clearly marked stop signs or traffic signals, and such decisions can lead to crashes with other vehicles passing through the same intersections.
  • Vehicle Defects — In some cases, the other driver might not be responsible for causing an accident because some aspect of their motor vehicle failed them. Manufacturers or maintenance companies could be liable for damages in these cases.
  • Unsafe Lane Changes — Certain drivers do not exercise proper care when they are changing lanes, and some lane changes can easily cause accidents when a driver does not adequately account for the presence of another driver.
  • Wrong-Way Driving — A driver may end up going the wrong way on certain highways or other roads and cause a collision with another motor vehicle.
  • Improper Turns — Some drivers do not exercise proper care when performing certain turns, so left turns are especially hazardous at some intersections and can easily cause collisions.
  • Tailgating — A driver who is following too closely is much more likely to cause a collision if you stop or slow down suddenly.
  • Driver Fatigue — Some people get behind the wheel even when they are exhausted and should be resting, and the obvious consequence of this decision is that a motorist runs the risk of dozing off or even falling asleep behind the wheel and causing a crash.
  • Tire Blowouts — When another car suddenly has a tire blowout, it can result in a loss of control and possible collision.
  • Potholes or Other Road Defects — In certain cases, a government agency could actually be liable for damages for a car accident when a crash was the result of some kind of defective road condition that the city, state, or other municipality should have fixed or at least warned people about.

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